The RVPNT is a complete replacement pan and tilt system for the RVJET. It supports Gopro 1/2/3/4 and micro cameras.
1 x RVPNT Main Housing (ref: rvpnt-mainhousing) 1 x RVPNT front clear dome (ref: rvpnt-dome) 1 x RVPNT outer pan ring (ref: rvpnt-outerring) 1 x RVPNT tilt plate (ref: rvpnt-tiltplate) 1 x RVPNT micro camera holder (ref: rvpnt-microholder) 1 x RVPNT GoPro 1 & 2 holder (ref: rvpnt-goproholder-1) 1 x RVPNT GoPro 3&4 Holder (ref: rvpnt-goproholder-3) 1 x RVPNT servo holders (ref: rvpnt-servoholder) 1 x RVPNT pan axis holders (2) (ref: rvpnt-panclipholder) 1 x RVPNT stainless steel pushrods (complete set) (ref: rvpnt-pushrods) 1 x RVPNT screws (20) (ref: rvpnt-screws20) 2 x SIR12MG RVPNT servo for pan or tilt (ref: rvpnt-sir12mg) 1 x RVPNT servo arm and linkage (set) (ref: rvpnt-linkage)